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Why We Procrastinate, and How CBD Can Help

Why We Procrastinate, and How CBD Can Help

We all have those lingering items on our to-do lists. Laundry, a pesky errand, filing away papers — there’s likely at least one thing you’ve been avoiding doing. It’s normal for humans to procrastinate a little. But for some of us, it can seriously hamper our productivity and mental health. Why exactly do we procrastinate? And importantly, what can we do about it? It turns out that the answers might lie in CBD.

Why Do We Procrastinate?

A lot of us think that procrastination comes down to laziness and a lack of motivation and willpower. But it turns out that there might be more at play. For instance, some research suggests that your emotions play a role. People who are sad, stressed out, have trouble focusing, or have low self-esteem might struggle more with procrastination.

This relationship works in the opposite direction, too. Procrastinating makes us feel worse mentally, which can then increase the likelihood of physical illness.

It’s a vicious cycle. Procrastination gives us short-term satisfaction because we’re avoiding that task for even a little while longer. However, we don’t take into consideration the long-term effects: Having to continue dealing with that task, whether it means procrastinating once again (and thus delaying the inevitable) or finally addressing it and getting it out of the way.

Even the Little Things Add Up

We sometimes think that stress warrants our attention only when it’s a bigger trigger — like losing a job, losing a loved one, or encountering severe financial hardship. However, even the micro-stressors of day-to-day life add up. Think of the annoyance you feel when you get stuck in traffic, the coffee shop gets your order wrong, or your spouse was late coming home for dinner.

Because, in the grand scheme of things, these nuisances are small, we try to let them go or look the other way. And sometimes, that’s exactly what we should do! However, if these stressors go unaddressed and unresolved, they pile up. Eventually, little things become big things, and before you know it, you’re dealing with a full mental breakdown.

Any way you look at it, the key to demolishing procrastination is to better manage the negative feelings around the task that you’re avoiding. So, how can you do that?

CBD and Procrastination: What’s the Connection?

CBD doesn’t stop us from procrastinating. Rather, it helps us better manage the negative feelings that cause, contribute to, and result from procrastinating.

Perhaps the most prominent factor to consider is stress. The American Institute of Stress says that the level of stress Americans experience is 20 percentage points higher than the worldwide average. Knowing that there’s a connection between this stress and our tendency to procrastinate, getting a better handle on our mental health is non-negotiable if we want to take ownership of the tasks we keep avoiding.

CBD is a powerhouse when it comes to battling stress. Research tells us that it might help you feel calmer. This happens due to the cannabinoid receptors in your brain and how they interact with CBD. If you reduce or even remove the stress you feel around a certain task, then you’re likelier to stop procrastinating and handle it head-on.

Do you notice how tiny annoyances seem like giant nightmares when you’re extra tired? You probably don’t need us to tell you that getting rest is important for reducing the impact of everyday stressors. CBD might also help you sleep better by telling your mind to quiet down at night. This will be music to your ears if you deal with racing thoughts while laying in bed, staring at the ceiling, desperately trying to fall asleep. A mind that is revitalized and recharged after a good night of sleep is better able to manage the responsibilities at hand.

There’s another positive byproduct of this process. Because CBD helps you remain calm and clear-headed, it may also improve your focus and concentration – two things that are undoubtedly important if you want to kick procrastination to the curb. If we’re actively avoiding doing something, when we do try to address it, we tend to be easily distracted. The cannabinoid helps you put on blinders, laser-focus, and knock it out!

Less stress. Better sleep. More focus. This is the trifecta for owning your to-do list, and CBD is the safe, all-natural solution to achieving it.

CBD as Part of a Healthy Lifestyle

You don’t have to wait to take CBD until things are so bad, you think you can’t handle them anymore. Rather, CBD can complement your other healthy lifestyle habits, like eating nutritious foods and moving your body every day. (Note: It’s a complement, not a replacement.)

So, what are your options? How can you take CBD? CBD gummies are a common go-to. You can even take gummies specifically formulated for sleep. Try bath bombs or hemp soap to chill out at night, or honey sticks for a sweet addition to your tea. Not looking for anything fancy? CBD capsules will do the trick.

Because CBD can provide ultimate relaxation, this sometimes manifests as sleepiness. (The experience will vary from person to person. Also, the type of CBD you take can make a difference.) Therefore, you shouldn’t use it before you plan to drive or operate heavy machinery. It’s best to try CBD for the first time when you’re safe at home, to better gauge how you respond to it. Start with the recommended dose on the bottle and adjust accordingly.

Ready to wave goodbye to procrastination with the help of CBD? JustCBD sources only the highest quality ingredients and creates inventive formulas to help you live a happier, healthier life. Shop today.